by Brandon Dwyer
Hey-O! I just thought I would take a second and mention something that's been happening over the past few months with the used game market. Prices are going up and inventory is harder to find. I went a bit further out of my way this week to an independent game store across town. Like other stores in the valley of the sun, you could tell their stock was dwindling.
One thing I noticed was 'Halo' prices. Even with the “Master Chief” collection (a collection of 5 Halo games in one package), the prices of 'Halo' games are rising. Who in their right mind ever thought that getting a used copy of 'Halo 3' would take some effort and 10 bucks? Last year they couldn't give it away at 3 dollars! Last week I picked up a copy of the original Halo for 9 dollars. 9 DOLLARS! I'm some kind of stupid, but I was determined to play the original disk.
FYI: Original Halo IS worth 9 dollars. That game, even with its dated graphics, still plays like a dream. The “Master Chief” collection doesn't have the same feel. The original is still the best. If you don't have a copy, pick one up.
Now on to something a tad more fun... A quickfire:
2009 X-Men Origins : Wolverine Uncaged Edition
Button mashing, bad graphics, and “why is there a lava monster at the end of the first level?” Who knows, who cares. It's just mashing buttons and ultra violence. Take it or leave it, but don't spend more than 10 bucks.
2011 Lollipop Chainsaw
Stupid fun from a stupid game. It's dumb and absurd. I mean, you cut off your boyfriend's head and strap him to your belt because you love him, right? The combat system is well polished and challenging. While reviews are mixed, this game gets more batsh*t crazy as it goes on. Pick up a copy, 20 bucks is a hard stop.
2009's Red Faction Guerrilla
Life on Mars got you down? Pick up a hammer and smash absolutely everything and everyone in your path toward Mars' independence. The story is basic, the graphics are dated, but damn was it fun. I've bought four copies of this game. PC, Xbox360, and the remastered PC version. I don't want to talk about the OnLive copy I bought. The remastered version is 20 bucks and worth it! Skip the sequel 'Red Faction Armageddon' as it has little replay value and doesn't add to the story.
2012 NeverDead … This game … I'll save that for another day.
2011 Warhammer: Space Marine
I picked this up on the PC years ago, and it's a bloody good time. It did what it needed to do and you felt like you were a Space Marine battling a thousand Orcs. As someone who has casually played Warhammer 40k off and on for decades, it felt right. This is a buy, and it's a shame it's not backwards compatible. It has great replay value. I wouldn't spend more than 10 bucks as it always goes on sale on Steam. I picked up a copy for 3 bucks at a Gamestop a few months back, so keep an eye out for this one.
2010 Dark Void
How many times do I have to play this game before I realize how bad it is? Why do I keep coming back to it? The PC version is unplayable in a few spots, so skip it. Stick with a console version. It's always on sale and game stores always have it cheap. I've never paid more than 5 bucks for this game. It's a pass unless you're curious. Never mind, just walk away. I don't even know why I brought this game up. Great, now I want to play it again.
Okay, so it's a Rocketeer game. Who doesn't like 'The Rocketeer'? That movie is amazing.
This week I'm playing Tron Evolution (Monday), Never Dead (Tuesday) and Remember Me
(Thursday) over on Twitch. Stop in 8:00PM AZ and say hello.
Watch the Video Review Below: